
Sip a Day, Moksa’s the Way

Tea in boxes, tea in bags, tea of all kinds – Herbal tea, Chamomile, Green tea, Detox tea, Masala chai etcetera – you must’ve heard of them! Tea has become a rage today amongst people of all age groups and across genders. Eras of sipping tea has been finally sanctified by the advent of packaging of different flavoured concoctions of tea and they’re not just fashionable; they help revitalize and alleviate the nerves too.

Moksa Tea & Botanicals brings a range of exotic, unique, and gourmet blends that go through a rigorous process of procurement and tasting, with the view to get the most effective plant combinations without any toxic elements in them. Moksa has proven products with effective results for detoxification, inducing better sleep cycles, anti-inflammation properties, immunity boosters etc when consumed in a routine manner.

Moksa, was launched in 2020 as a one stop solution for all things organic and vegan; offers a diversified range of plant-products, including varied flavoured teas – Chamomile Flower Tea, Stimulating Detox Tea, Orange Mint Tea, Mango Marigold Green Tea, Turmeric Black, Panacea Tea, Rose Hibiscus, Earl Grey and what not! With so many tastes to explore, just as me you can try as many of them as they also come in assorted sample packs and suit your tastebuds. CTC Masala chai being the crown prince of all tastes for me.

The first sip of the Mango Marigold Green Tea I’ve picked from their online store transported me to feel the cool summer breeze of refreshed air that lifts your spirit sometimes amidst heat currents. And the notes of marigold petals were too prominent to ignore. Marigold is known to have healing and antiseptic properties. As we all know green tea can reduce anxiety, boost memory and attention, and increase overall brain function. Marigold has super calming effects to the nervous system, so is great to treat fevers and tummy aches. It’s also great for healing trauma and big stressors. Mango is a great source of vitamin A and C and contains folate, B6, iron and a little calcium, zinc and vitamin E and the tin of goodness contains mango cubes! Blood pressure is a curse these days. With high stress levels due to the pandemic, even people in their 40s are facing the challenge. And green tea is known to reduce blood pressure.

My next pick from heir bounty was the Masala Chai CTC and heaven’s bless, aah, what a chai! Infused with ginger and cinnamon, both being my favourite flavours, and both have beneficial effects on blood sugar levels too. Ginger, especially, helps in improving blood circulation which relaxes symptoms of cramps, aches, and pains. You may’ve had so many brands of tea in your life, but you got to taste it to believe me! A hot cup of masala chai is the best thing after a long hard day at work. The tannins present in tea help calm the body and revitalize it. Those like me who spring out of their seats with the tantalizing combination of clove and cinnamon flavours, can vouch for Masala Chai CTC because it creates a line of defence not easily permeable by infections. After consuming it for atleast three days continually, I noticed the bloated feeling that keeps happening due to long sitting hours at work or gorging on excessive oily food, were gone and I felt way lighter than usual.

There are a plenty of flavours you can pick from. Moksa has matched different ingredients with green tea by keeping their nutritional value intact like I did try the strawberry green tea with chunks of strawberry in it and the chamomile as well. Chamomile however was okay for me but who doesn’t love a ripe, red strawberry, a rich and diverse source of antioxidants! You can sip through your way to the light refreshment with this scrumptious, juicy beverage to cool your nerves.

So, take a pick as per your taste from their online store or from other online stores selling these wonderful, refreshing concoction of tea to gain good health and good vibes. Happy Sereni.TEA!

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